Usando Paleos® para el descalzo encubierto - Una revisión
Paleos® shoes are great for barefoot walkers and runners looking for extra foot protection. And indeed that's mostly whom the GoSt Barefoots company markets their shoes to: you'll find plenty of photos and videos on the internet of bare feet in chain mail, treading on all kinds of soft natural grounds.
But I'll tell you what you won't find: images of Paleos used as everyday footwear. That is, chain mail shoes worn over regular socks by city dwellers walking on tarmac and other everyday hard surfaces.
Me, I wear my ANTERRA CLIFF shoes at work, in town, in buildings, in my car... I think these shoes are fabulous replacements for regular city shoes, and it's a great shame they're not more actively promoted for that purpose. If you want to know why I like them so much, read on...