Desde 16/09/2016 GOST-Barefoots tiene una moderna, nueva página web ...
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A trend moves the masses: run on the forefoot!
Over the last few years we've observed a growing number of discussions around running styles that advocate a front and mid-foot running style, and we can only marvel at how many hundreds of new "Barefoot Coaches" have sprung up, almost daily, to offer their books and (paid) services.
So where does all this sudden knowledge come from...
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What's the science behind barefoot shoes?
As early as 1995, Christoph Reinschmidt, a bio-mechanic from Calgary University in Canada, was concerned about the heel height (the height of the heel compared to the forefoot), which would amplify the pronation of the foot during the support phase of the running motion.
The pronation of the foot i...
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"Natural Running" and what will change
The trend of so-called minimalist shoes or barefoot should allow again the natural running. Drop (difference in hight from heel to toe), insole, flexibility are the key words.
The following video tries to explain the principle of the barefoot shoe and also shows that it's not that simple and an extended transition period...
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Why Paleos® make so much sense
Only the PaleoBarefoots® CLASSIC (BLACK) and URBAN could be a substitute for your running shoes on concrete and tarmac! Better yet, you should shun these surfaces and understand that your feet and thus our models ULTRA and CLASSIC are meant for natural environments. The Paleos®ULTRA and CLASSIC are made completely of stainless steel and only compare very loosely with the so-called ...
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