Patents / Trademarks

GoSt - Patents, Utility Models and Industrial Designs

Due to relevant patents, utility models and industrial designs, the principles of function, design and type of our products are entitled to extended protection in many EU and overseas countries. Reproduction, imaging, supply, sale, and purchase of copied goods are punishable under law. To protect our customers, such legal violations will be pursued immediately.

Technology and products have international patent and trademark protection!

GoSt - Trademarks

PaleoBarefoots® is an international registered trademark of GoSt-Barefoots [Ltd.] (Jörg Peitzker). Unauthorized use will be subject to criminal and civil prosecution. GoSt-Barefoots and the GoSt-Barefoots logo are registered trademarks of GoSt-Barefoots [Ltd.] (Jörg Peitzker) in Europe and other continents. Other GoSt-Barefoots products or service names or logos referenced on this website are either trademarks or registered trademarks of GoSt-Barefoots [Ltd.] (Jörg Peitzker). Use of trademarks without the prior written consent of GoSt-Barefoots [Ltd.] (Jörg Peitzker) is strictly prohibited.

Logo GoSt-Barefoots®

Logo PaleoBarefoots®

All other trademarks mentioned on this website are the property of their respective owners (third party brands).

Information on Trademarks

For a current list of registered trademarks (®) of GoSt-Barefoots [Ltd.] (Jörg Peitzker) in Germany please refer to the list of German trademarks of GoSt-Barefoots which is updated regularly. For a current list of registered trademarks (®) and trademarks (™) of GoSt-Barefoots [Ltd.] (Jörg Peitzker) in the United States please refer to the list of U.S. trademarks of GoSt-Barefoots which is updated regularly. These are not comprehensive lists of all trademarks of GoSt-Barefoots [Ltd.] (Jörg Peitzker). The absence of a product or service name does not constitute a waiver of trademarks or other intellectual property rights of GoSt-Barefoots [Ltd.] (Jörg Peitzker).

Use of ® or ™ symbol

1) Publications for use in Germany and/or Europe
When using GoSt-Barefoots trademarks in publications that will be distributed in German and/or Europe, include the ® symbol on the first appearance of the trademark in the text (please refer to the list of German trademarks of GoSt-Barefoots).

2) Publications for use in the U.S.
When using GoSt-Barefoots trademarks in publications that will be distributed only in the United States or in the United States and other countries, include the appropriate ® or ™ symbol on the first appearance of the trademark in the text (please refer to the list of U.S. trademarks of GoSt-Barefoots).

3) Publications for use outside Europe and the U.S.
For publications distributed in a certain country or region outside the United States and Europe please contact GoSt-Barefoots Intellectual Property department for the appropriate information.

4) Use of GoSt-Barefoots logo and marks in stylized form. The GoSt-Barefoots logo and product names in stylized form shall be used only under license with GoSt-Barefoots [Ltd.] (Jörg Peitzker) - unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

Trademark notice

A trademark notice has to be included when using any GoSt-Barefoots trademarks in a publication. The statement should read:

"xyz are either registered trademarks or trademarks of GoSt-Barefoots [Ltd.] (Jörg Peitzker) in the U.S. and other countries."

"xyz sind Marken der GoSt-Barefoots GmbH. (Jörg Peitzker) in Deutschland und anderen Ländern."

"xyz" has to be replaced by the list of GoSt-Barefoots trademarks mentioned in the specific publication beginning with GoSt-Barefoots and the GoSt-Barefoots logo, if used, followed by all other marks in alphabetical order. Please refer to the list of German trademarks of GoSt-Barefoots and to the list of U.S. trademarks of GoSt-Barefoots.
If it is not practicable to include a trademark statement and is not required by any contract with GoSt-Barefoots it may be possible to use a statement which is universally valid such as:

"All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners."

"Weitere hier verwendete Kennzeichen sind Marken ihrer jeweiligen Eigentümer."

The trademark statement may appear in a small font size which shall still be legible.
For the appropriate trademark notice in other languages/countries please contact GoSt-Barefoots Intellectual Property department.


If you have any questions regarding trademark matters please contact us:

GoSt-Barefoots [Ltd.]
Intellectual Property
Buchholzer Weg 17
41189 Mönchengladbach
Tel.: +49 (0)2166 99 811 44
Fax: +49 (0)2166 99 811 45
