
Shoes vs. Minimal Footwear

0 Comments| Posted in KNOWLEDGE EN By GoSt-Barefoots Team

"Natural Running" and what will change

The trend of so-called minimalist shoes or barefoot should allow natural running. Drop (difference in height from heel to toe), insole and flexibility are the key words.

Trend "Natural Running", the new shoes and what is different!

The following video tries to explain the principle of the barefoot shoe and shows that it's not that simple and an extended transition period...

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Feet, Shoes & Paleos®

Comments| Posted in KNOWLEDGE EN By GoSt-Barefoots Team

Why PaleoBarefoots® are so different

As a rule, shoes have to be worn for some time until they fit. In conventional shoes, however, It is more likely the foot adapts the shoe as the shoe to the foot. In contrast the PaleoBarefoots® are very supple and smooth and adapt very fast to the individual shape of the foot.

Why PaleoBarefoots® are so different!

However, this also means that the feet represent the immediate pressures and impacts to the environment ...

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Good Reasons for Paleos®

Comments| Posted in KNOWLEDGE EN By GoSt-Barefoots Team

Why Paleos® make so much sense

Why Paleos® make so much sense

Only the PaleoBarefoots® CLASSIC (BLACK) and URBAN could be a substitute for your running shoes on concrete and tarmac! Better yet, you should shun these surfaces and understand that your feet and thus our models ULTRA and CLASSIC are meant for natural environments. The Paleos®ULTRA and CLASSIC are made completely of stainless steel and only compare very loosely with the so-called ...

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Walk, hike, then run!

Comments| Posted in KNOWLEDGE EN By Gost-Barefoots Team

Take your time ... it's worth it!

Are you having problems with your feet, calves, knees? Are you repeatedly forced to take breaks due to all sorts of trouble and running injuries? Back pain, tension in your shoulders and neck?

Be patient and take your time - first stroll and just walk!

Time for barefoot and/or running with PaleoBarefoots®! There are several series of Paleos®: from ULTRA or CLASSIC (for nature) up to...

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